Attended Angus heifer show Tamworth.
Attending Angus World EXPO Tamworth
On Property Bull & Female Sale
THURSDAY 7th AUGUST 2025 1pm
Our interest in Angus cattle began in 1990 when our 2 sons Nathan and Alex began to show interest in the cattle. The Angus breed had a strong youth movement, the cattle were highly proven performers and there was a ready market for the progeny. Females were purchased from Farrer angus, Calleen angus and D.S.K. studs. Sires used included Trend 315, Ext, 036 and Alberta Traveler 416.
Descendants of these cows are still in the herd today, with sire selection based on producing sires with natural thickness, while still maintaining frame score, and females who are both fertile and functional. Sires previously include Right Time 338, KCF Bennett Performer, Right Way 781, Sitze 458N & SAV Thunderbird .
Todays breeding decisions are based on our clients needs. Most require moderate birthweight, high growth rates while still maintaining reasonable carcass quality. There is no focus on one trait as we believe balanced traits in a sire lead to more functional cattle. Foot score has become a critical trait selection and 3 yrs of drought taught us that the fat score EBV is another trait we need to keep as close to positive as possible.
The current cowherd consists of Sav Thunderbird, Gar Prophet, Te Mania Emperor, Ascott Hallmark, Aar Ten X, S Powerpoint, Sav International, SAV 9969, Deer Valley All in & JMB Traction females.
Current matings to the cows include Beast Mode, Gar Hometown, S Powerpoint, Gar Fireball, Musgrave Exclusive and Mogck Entice.
Our August sale Bulls consist progeny of Gar Phoenix , Montana Elevation, Baldridge Beastmode, Musgrave Stunner, Mogck Entice, Gar Fireball, Musgrave Exclusive, Gar Hometown, Gar Prophet, Ascot Hallmark, and our own NVNP8 .
Address: 34 Back Woolomin Road Dungowan, NSW, 2340, Australia
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